") win2.document.close() } else alert("Failed in spawning a new window!") } function openwin(winname, winwidth, winheight) { winfeatures='"screenX=10,left=10,screenY=10,top=10,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width='+winwidth+',height='+winheight+'"' win2=window.open(winname ,"", winfeatures) } //-->
Couch Corner Graphics Couch Corner Graphics    
About | Contact | What's New blue square blue square blue squarespacer  

Left Border Bkgd | Top Border Bkgd | Tile Bkgd


Over the course of time, I've experimented with many types of backgrounds. Using several graphics software packages and multiple plugins, I've designed these backgrounds with a variety of techniques. I'm making them available to you in three different areas - left bordered backgrounds, top bordered backgrounds, and tiles.

Check back often to see what's been added. Feel free to use these graphics on personal webpages or non-commercial sites. If you choose to use my graphics, please provide a link back to my homepage. You will find a logo graphic and directions how to link back at the entrance to my site.

Click on one of the thumbnails to open a new browser window with the background loaded. You cannot download the background graphic from the thumbnails. Once you've opened the new window, left-click on the background and choose Save image or Save Background as, depending on your browser, to download the background graphic to your own computer. Once you've viewed the page, just click the close button to return to this page.

Also, please don't link to the graphics on my site. Download them to your hard drive or webserver and link to them from there.

Backgrounds | Coord Sets | Photo Manip | WET [Week End Theme] | PSP UG SLP | Links | Miscellanea  

Site maintained by Kelly LeVan-Shultz
Http://members.bellatlantic.net/~klevan Copyright © 2002.