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What's New

NewI've decided to make my own blogger templates.. you can see them on the miscellaneous page.
New I've started blogging... put up a set called Apple Blossom.
newSite redesign! Starting to look very stale. So, the weekend was spent designing a new layout for the site. Let me know what you think.
new Jasc has released Paint Shop Pro version 7.
newAdded new coordinated set - Forget Me Knot
newAdded new section for the Paint Shop Pro User's Group Self-Learning Programme.
newAdded a page for my WETs or Week End Theme graphics as known in the comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro newsgroup. Haven't kept up with it lately but hoping to add more soon.

Backgrounds | Coord Sets | Photo Manip | WET [Week End Theme] | PSP UG SLP | Links | Miscellanea  

Site maintained by Kelly LeVan-Shultz
Http://members.bellatlantic.net/~klevan Copyright © 2002.